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Friday, September 28, 2012

16 years ago today, my youngest son Justin Ryan Landers was born. It was a breezy, sunny, fall afternoon. I had been in mild labor with him for 2 days  and started to think that maybe Justin liked the warmth of my belly, but while shopping in the commissary with Kevin(his dad), the labor kicked in full blown and I remember resting my butt on piles of Halloween candy while waiting in line. Kevin, my ex, kept asking me if we needed to go to the hospital, but I was more concerned about making sure we had food in the house for the other 3 children. This was my 4th baby, so I thought I knew what I was doing. I quickly learned that Justin was in charge of this event and when he decided to make his entry into this world-he did it with no fear and full speed ahead.
Justin was born an hour later. It was the easiest delivery I had with no complications.  He gave out one wail and then looked around the room. When I made eye contact with him, I knew that our lives would not be the same as before and the joy Justin would bring to all of us would be endless.
Justin woke up everyday ready with full energy to tackle the world. His energy was abundant and he had no fear to try new things. He came into this world quickly, and on his own time. That is how he faced every challenge he had. He taught himself how to ride a bike at the age of 5. He taught himself how to ride his brother Kevin’s scooter. He would watch the kids skateboard and one day; I watched him with my hands over my eyes as he climbed on the skateboard and fell hard. But, Justin got right back on with no fear. He loves animals, bugs, reptiles and critters. He loved to help me plant sunflowers and seeds every year and watch them grow. I would order him dinosaur books and he knew most of the facts of each dinosaur. I would order him astronomy books and him and I would go outside at night and try to find the constellations.  Justin loved to read, and listen to music with his siblings. He was a fish in the water at the pool, and a jokester with his sibling and friends. Justin loved to laugh and crack jokes and became a popular, “cutie” with his sister Megan and Amanda’s friends. Justin loved all the attention and he was deserving of it.
These are just some memories I have and I cannot wait to share more with Justin when I reunite with him. 7 years is a long time, but it is not a lifetime.

For Justin:
I love you son. 2 years is not that long. You will soon be 18 and then you can make your own choices. You will be free to do what you desire to do and I will be waiting patiently as I did with your sisters and brother. Time does heal all wounds and I have all the time in the world. You are loved by many. You always have been. No worries here. Contact me when you can and know that no matter who you have become today or what choices you make, Mom loves you!

Happy Birthday Bogey!

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