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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Col Kevin P Landers and his second wife Melody Landers Exposed

It is necessary to share these screen shots per my son Justin's Facebook as of yesterday. I want Justin to see what is going on behind his back and has been for years. Please also refer to my prior blog entry posted a few days ago.

Justin, once again, is not writing these words. There is an imposter in Col Landers home and this imposter has also used Key-loggers to hack into her daughters, my daughters, my sons, her family and friends in efforts to hack into their private accounts after she "kindly" lets them use her computer. She is a true stalker that gets a high off of viewing others private lives without their knowledge.
I am sharing this in an effort that Justin and his father will see how this woman imposters myself, Justin, my children, my ex and others to gain sympathy, approval, and support because she has alot to hide. She has no grace, no integrity, nor any amount of loyalty. 
She preys on the innocent and denies any responsibility in her hateful actions towards my kids, the life of her son(because she did not raise her daughter Kayla), the raising of my children that have suffered greatly in she and Kevin's care nor taking blame of demons that she has been fighting for over 40 years now. As a matter of fact, in a sworn statement in 2012 -Under Oath-Melody claims that "my stalking" forced her to have to take Prozac but according to my children, when Melody moved into Col Landers home in 2006-she unloaded quite a bit of meds and one of the many medications was Prozac. Please be reminded that in 2006 I was living in Mexico with no contact with my children. If you refer to my prior blog entries you will see that I did not start writing in my blog until 2011.
Having said that-Unfortunately, although my ex husband Col Landers is aware of his second wife's antics, he is afraid to confront nor stop her. He hides behind her with full knowledge of her lies. What she doesn't know is that if Col Landers is confronted, he will blame everything on her(as he did me) because he only cares about one person-Himself.
I want Justin to see how she uses him to try to shut me out of his life. I have not had contact with Justin in over 10 years and this can be proven in a court of law yet this woman thinks she is untouchable. My lawyer warned me about this and advised me to document EVERYTHING. 
I have and will continue. 
My biggest concern today is Justin. He must see that "she" is using him and his public media sites for her own hate propaganda.

The entries above were written yesterday on my
but not by Justin- by her. After this woman's hateful words(per Justin's Facebook) -above is also my response. 
Please keep in mind that Justin's Facebook was blocked from mine two days ago yet after my recent blog entry, she unblocked his Facebook to once again picked a fight with me.
Who is the stalker here?
I also want to reiterate that the order I conceded to that Melody keeps bringing up as a "restraining order" (please refer to my blog entry)
Was not a Restraining Order but a No Contact Order(there's a huge difference) which means I am not to have contact with Col P Kevin Landers and his wife Melody are not to have contact with me.
(Please look up the differentiation between the two)  
Melody nor Col Kevin Landers is allowed to contact me nor am I them. Something I have honored to its fullest extent. I have no desire or reason to talk to my ex nor Melody nor will I ever allow them to penetrate the life John and I have created together.
I could care less about their lives or endeavors. I do however love Justin and will never stop posting publicly in efforts to show him that I never left him-I left his fathers abuses.
Because of this "No Contact Order" is why Melody uses Justin's Facebook and other fake social media sites to try to discredit me, John, our children or any one else she despises.
Let me stress- Justin was excluded from that order because I was proven to be a fit parent. 
As a matter of fact, I have a copy of that order or you can pay a small fee to El Paso County Courts, Colorado to see the truth for yourself. I highly recommend you go through the courts and not accept a printed copy of any courts documents produced by Melody. She has plagiarized all of them to her advantage as she does with most "printed" documents.
A game that I am no longer playing nor will I be a privy to her lies any longer and if she continues to write things as she has in her rants-"I am going to come down there and get you myself" to me in a private message. My response to her was that if she does not stop threatening me then I am reporting all of this to the authorities. What concerns me, is that she will claim that Justin wrote this and then Justin must stand up for himself and tell the police that he did not. His fathers second wife did.

I am on a mission to help Justin see what the truth is and who his real enemies are and I won't stop until I know Justin is ok.

A Message to Justin:
Justy-once again stop believing what is presented to you. As I have told your siblings-I am so sorry for all the pain and for the first time in 10 years YOU my son have the freedom to find yourself. I never wrote to Parris Island. I never called them. An Anonymous person told me what happened to you there. Not because I asked but because they were worried about you. If you would like-I can prove to you that I never disrupted your goal to be a Marine-not once. I want you to succeed and be happy. Please stop using others words and actions. 
Free yourself from all this and re-create your own life. 
You deserve happiness for once and that may mean that you choose to not have your father, me, your siblings in your life for awhile. 
That's ok because we love you and want you to be safe and happy.
No matter what-We love you and that love will never stop.

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