2011, I started writing this blog. It had been six (6) years since I
had filed for divorce from US Army Col. Kevin P. Landers Sr. Numerous
years of staying silent came to an end. Per an extraordinary mentor and
the advice of others that knew my “life” I embraced their direction
that I write my story for the public to read. I had concluded that it
was in my best interest and my 4 children’s best interest to share my
story. This Blog became my “answer” to those whom were part of my
circle when I was married to Kevin. My ex was spewing lies about me and
people were wanting an account from me concerning the false accusations
Kevin was directing at me. Horrific lies told to my family, my friends
and most importantly our children. I stayed quiet from 2005 until 2011
because I needed time to heal and gain confidence again. When I started
to get bombarded with emails and phone calls from strangers and family
members, I headed the advice given to me so that I could use my voice
and stand up for myself against an abuser(s) and direct people to this
chose NOT to write anonymously and to also name my abuser and his
current wife Melody Morrison Wilson Landers. I made these decisions
after much thought and consideration knowing that Kevin and Melody would
more than likely take me to court...which they did in 2012. Because I
reside in Mexico, Kevin and Melody thought that I would not be
represented over 1,000 miles away in Colorado Springs, CO. Upon being
served 48 hrs notice of the court date, I was able to have legal counsel
AND use my voice via telephonic conference. While reading the
allegations against me that both Kevin and Melody filed UNDER OATH, I
was once again appalled at the lies they had written. One in particular
is that Kevin claimed that he filed for divorce and won sole custody of
our 4 children. After 18 years of his physical, sexual and verbal
abuses, I am the one who filed for divorce in April 2005 and we had
joint custody at that time. Both he and Melody also swore to the El Paso
county court that I had threatened to kill them, burn down their home
and kill their late son Kyle Ray Wilson. It amazes me how Kevin and
Melody swore under oath yet claim to be God fearing Christians. It is
unethical, it is sociopath, it is in violation of the US Army Code and
it is against the law.
You can read in more detail what transpired during the court hearing in El Paso County Colorado by clicking on the link:
requested that the judge order me to take down my blog and Judge Curtis
denied his request. As per his abusive character, he was not happy
about her judgement but he and Melody started telling people that they
have a permanent restraining order and that I am a felon running from
the law and hiding in Mexico. Their lies escalated to such an insane,
extreme level and they started posting publicly that they went to the
Supreme Court and I was ordered to remove all my social media sites. I
have a screenshot of a transcribed FALSE court hearing that never took
place. An acquaintance that reads Melody’s private blogs sent me the
fake court proceeding order. Here is a link to Melody’s 2 different
blogs that consist of very slanderous allegations against me and John
and our children.
Kevin P. Landers Sr. and Melody Morrison Wilson Landers have stated and
posted publicly that I have warrants out for my arrest in both Mexico
and the United States. And go on to claim that if and/or when I cross
the border, I will be arrested on the spot. As most all of you know from
my prior blog entry, I ATTENDED-in-person my son’s wedding in November
2015 and then traveled throughout the United States before arriving to
my home in Mexico. I also renewed my Passport while in the USA - without
any problem. I am reiterating this because it is important to see the
pattern of how Kevin and Melody live and breathe lies and have been
doing so for 11 years now and do not show any sign that they will repent
nor stop all this slander and defamation of me, John, our children and
our families.
the eve of our son’s wedding, US Army Col. Kevin Paul Landers, Sr. made
false allegations to a local police officer concerning a false document
Kevin had produced. The officer contacted me and advised that I was
“prohibited” from attending our son’s wedding. I had to involve other
judicial persons in New Jersey and Kevin was asked to leave
immediately...he left. One would think that the Colonel would learn his
lesson and stop all his lies and hatred towards me and our 4 children,
but he has not.
4 children want to have a relationship with their Mom and Dad. However,
Kevin continues to make it very clear that if our children have a
relationship with me, he will ban them from his life; He did so again
recently with our 24 year old daughter.
can any logical thinking human being admire or even respect a man, a
soldier, an Army officer that demands his children have nothing to do
with their mother and IF our son’s/daughter’s acknowledge their mom,
they will be disowned by their father!
know and mentor to many parents (dad’s included) that battle the courts
and with their ex’s everyday in an effort to fight to be included in
their child’s life. My John has battled with his ex Kelly for years in
efforts to hold his children again. He even offered her sizable
settlements and she refused it because she does not want John to be the
wonderful father he is to his own children. Children that are now also
becoming young adults that will eventually seek John out for answers as
my children have done with me. What is going to be devastating to the
Baker children is that they were lied to by their mother Kelly about why
John is not in their life as of today. John prays about seeing his
children everyday because he is a loving father.
has an unequivocal choice to have a relationship with our children and
HE chooses not to be in their life. The children can confirm, that I
have NEVER requested that they alienate their dad...I think it would be
best for them to have a relationship with their father. Over the years
these children have longed to have a relationship with their dad yet he
continues to play the victim and disregards them because they want a
relationship with both of us.
hates me more than he loves our children and that is so heart wrenching
not only to me...but to 4 innocent children that don’t deserve all the
anger he continues to dish out.
the past, I tried to communicate with Kevin in reference to our
children and he refuses to discuss their well being with me. We brought
these 4 beautiful souls into this world and whether we dislike each
other or not, we have a responsibility to support, love and embrace our
children regardless of the past or our divorce. Kevin has a lot of
excuses as to why he chose to shun our children but there is not one
reasonable excuse to shut out any of the children involved.
Melody ONLY claims love for her late son Kyle Ray. She refuses to acknowledge her daughter.
children are not playing cards that we disregard when we don’t like
what has been dealt to us. They are human beings that one day become
adults and parents as well and because of this, it is our job as loving
parents to try to show by example of how responsible, loving adults act
and thus far Kevin and Melody display not only hateful actions but also
damaging results. We adults brought children into this world and it will
forever be our responsibility to ensure that our children are safe,
happy, thriving and feel loved by us. Five children don't feel loved by
Kevin nor Melody and that is one child too many. To all the readers that
interact with Melody and Kevin on a daily basis or have been to their
home, is it not odd that there is not one picture or verbal
acknowledgment that Kevin has two daughters and two sons. There are only
shrines of Kyle Ray...a sweet soul that couldn't speak but he had
cognitive thinking. I am sure if he could have spoken, he would have a
lot to say about the way his mother Melody and step-father Kevin treat
his sister and step-siblings.
So, with permission from my oldest daughter, I must once again expose how truly hateful
Kevin Paul Landers Sr. is towards his children. Below is a text message
that our daughter sent to her dad. She is applying for student loans
and is required to provide a parent’s home address. That is all she
asked. She didn't ask for money...just permission to use an address.
let me stress something here, when our daughter was sent away several
times by her father in 2008/09 he didn’t pay any child support nor did
he even take time to visit her while she was thrown away in a federally
funded program for low income households (he was a Lt. Col. in ‘08 ‘09).
He just hid her away from me and her siblings for years and did nothing
to support nor help her. When I found her, John and I took care of her
until she got on her feet. Kevin repeated this same behavior with our 3
other children and hardly paid a dime to help them and it's not because
he doesn’t have the money. An Army Colonel averages about over $7,000.00
a month with sizable annual raises:
little amount of money he did give was ONLY when the children agreed to
not have a relationship with me otherwise he shunned our kids out of
his life. Kevin and Melody are so engulfed in their own greed and hatred
for me that they punish these children in their process to hide all of
their lies. I truly pray everyday that all their hatred would stop but I
don't see that coming anytime soon and this is why I will continue to
write in my blog. I had a 62 year old survivor tell me some very
unfortunate, but honest advice. She said, “The day my abuser stopped his
hatred was the day they buried him.”
I fear that with Kevin’s track record he will die a mean and dishonorable son; husband; and father.
man's success is measured by what his wife and children say about him.
Money and accomplishments mean nothing if you let your home fail.”
I will end this entry with one last thought and advice to my ex and his wife.
they do not stop their continual mean and abusive behavior towards
myself and our shared 5 children I am going to continue to use my voice
to expose how truly mean they are. Our children should not feel the need
to defend themselves against their parents. We as parents should be
defending the children that did not ask for a life riddled with insanity
and a divorce. I asked for the divorce because I fell out of love with
their father. How dare Kevin fall out of love with his children...he is a
very sad man that not only hates me...Kevin hates himself.
He is mean; He is wrong; and He is abusive.
Army Colonel Kevin P. Landers may wear rank as an outstanding soldier
and attend his local church, but what does he want his legacy to be with
4 children that will also remember who he was to them? If he says he
doesn't really care what our children think and could care less if they
love him or not. Then he doesn’t deserve to be a father to MY children
because my children are awesome souls that are doing great things and
deserve all the wonderful things life offers in spite of the years of
hell they have been through.
Kevin and Melody’s behavior defined ~
Definition. Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack
of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture. There
is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal
rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths
or sociopaths.
I have also included screen shots per Melody’s Pinterest and Facebook accounts
Melody is an evil human being.
. This is a post per Melody Landers Facebook stating that she raised my 4 children. That is a bold faced lie. My oldest son left within 3 weeks of living with his father and Melody, my two daughters were thrown away from different homes because their father didn't want them and eventually they came and lived with John and I. My youngest son was the ONLY child that was raised by Melody and his father and sadly he is the most emotionally damaged as of today. That says a lot about what kind of life he had in his father's home for 10 years.

This is a post on Melody's Pinterest.
Melody's current Pinterest account
A post that Melody will delete as soon as she reads this blog. Melody professes that her and Kevin Sr. don't have any daughters and that her nieces are "the daughters they don't have" but yet on her Facebook page dedicated to her late son Kyle she posts many pictures of "the daughters they never had" which are my and Kevin's daughters.
Kyle Rays Legacy of Love Facebook page
Do you know how horrible that makes Melody's daughter and my daughters feel? Not sure if Melody's nieces nor sister would approve of these posts or behavior.
It shows what kind of person/mother figure Melody truly is-evil at her beautiful nieces expense.
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